Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
SC Trip and Seats
Well, I enjoyed the Charleston trip and had a great time there. I was going to order an ultimate seat for my wing but ordered a Diamond Seat instead. The Diamondd seat was a little cheaper and they make a seat for your height and weight as well as your passengers and it is about $100 cheaper but with no money back guarantee after 15 days, however after 3000 miles they will make adjustments to the seat as needed. I love the way I sit in the seat and it is comfortable however can't say the same for my passenger which doesn't make me as happy. Also the Diamond Seat takes some getting use to as I have to stand on my tip toes when stopped and I'm 6' tall. This would be a great seat for a trike. Also my passenger needs support where the raincover pouch was on the stock seat. Charleston was about 180 miles one way for us but I could have rode longer on this seat and just last year I made the trip on a stock seat and was ready to get off for sure when we got to our destination. While in Charleston we also rode the bridges of Charleston (about an 80 mile trip) and it was great and could have kept riding and it was a very warm day. I always enjoy meeting new friends in the GWRRA and always have a great time. Stay safe out there and hope this post helps someone out.
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9:45 PM
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Riding and the spring
Riding a motorcycle can be fun and dangerous. Always wear a helmet while riding and burn your bright lights during the daytime. I like a lot of lights on a bike because it allows for better visibility. I also like a Goldwing because you can always spot a Goldwing on the road. Another good way to stand out is a white helmet. Most people don't see the Motorcycle but they see the white helmet. I am soon going to order an Ultimate seat for my bike and ride it to Charleston SC shortly afterward. Will let everyone know how that goes as I have a bad back.
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9:49 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
WOW How time Flies
I can't believe the last time I posted to this blog was way back in October. A lot has happened since then. A lot of miles have been put on my Goldwing since then. I have been on only 2 long rides however in that time. We went to Charleston, South Carolina back in May and just this past weekend we went to Whitewater Falls in western North Carolina. Both trips were day trips. We also had a relatively short trip to Lexington SC. All this not to mention the various poker runs and other charity events we have partaken in. I rode most all winter and never really got cold thanks to my synergy heated clothing. Now what I really need is for someone to donate me some cooler clothing or make a law for bikers to ride naked!!! However I don't think that riding a motorcycle naked would be the safest thing in the world to do.
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5:00 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
Goldwings and Biloxi MS
Well its been a month since we were in Biloxi for the Mississippi state GWRRA rally. We met some great people there from the Memphis Area and from Monroe Louisiana. I rode my first Goldwing trike around the parking lot of the Isle of Capri in Biloxi. Thanks Buddy, now my wife wants one!!! Also would like to mention Ruth, Andy, Guard Rail and Pumpkin Butt as we had a great supper at Applebee's. Well the company was great anyway. We had a fiasco all week long with food establishments in Biloxi. I kept looking for a resturant called Aunt Jenny's but was looking in the wrong place. I thought it was off of hwy 90 but its not. I should have turned at the Buea Rivage instead and went over that bridge and it on the left, not over the bridge on 90. Since I have been back from Biloxi I have been on one large ride to the Whitten center in Clinton SC and have heard (not officially) that there were about 1200 bikes there. Now coming up we have many Toy Runs in the Upstate of South Carolina where we usually have several hundred bikers show up. Its awesome to see these parades of bikes rolling through our cities. I have logged over 17,000 miles on my Goldwing in 2 years as it has become my main means of transportation. Now I just need some synergy heated pants and I will be good to go for the southern winters.
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6:20 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tourmaster synergy electric clothing
I commute on a Honda Goldwing each and everyday. I recently invested in a tourmaster synergy heated jacket liner. I didn't know how it would react and the first morning I rode with it on I left it on Medium with the temp outside around 40 degrees. I was sweating by the time I got to work and this was while wearing a short sleeve shirt. I am waiting on the gloves as I will need them soon. The controls come with these clothes whereas the competion makes you pay extra for the controls. I plan on eventually getting the pants also but that may have to wait a month or so. I also plan on getting the suit for my wife as she freezes with temps in the 50's with the leather and 2 or 3 jackets. I recommend to anyone the Tourmaster synergy clothing.
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6:45 PM