Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tourmaster synergy electric clothing

I commute on a Honda Goldwing each and everyday. I recently invested in a tourmaster synergy heated jacket liner. I didn't know how it would react and the first morning I rode with it on I left it on Medium with the temp outside around 40 degrees. I was sweating by the time I got to work and this was while wearing a short sleeve shirt. I am waiting on the gloves as I will need them soon. The controls come with these clothes whereas the competion makes you pay extra for the controls. I plan on eventually getting the pants also but that may have to wait a month or so. I also plan on getting the suit for my wife as she freezes with temps in the 50's with the leather and 2 or 3 jackets. I recommend to anyone the Tourmaster synergy clothing.

1 comment:

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