Tuesday, April 29, 2008

State of South Carolina Goldwing Rally

The GWRRA state rally will be held May 1,2, AND 3RD 2008 IN Anderson South Carolina. I am looking forward to attending this rally as it will be my first Goldwing rally. I am also looking forward to the National Goldwing rally held in Greenville South Carolina this year during the July 4th weekend. I am hoping to be done with my back surgery by then and back to riding. Even though my back hurts dang near everyday I still ride my bike and get lots of people to tell me there is nothing wrong with my back if I can ride a motorcycle. I say to those who think that: GO GET YOURSELF A JOB IN THE MEDICAL FIELD SINCE YOU HAVE THE MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE.

1 comment:

Larry said...

May I be the first to welcome you to the SC State Rally. Come by the district Leadership Trainers booth and introduce yourself.
