Sunday, May 6, 2007

why a Goldwing

Before I bought a Goldwing, I rode a Vstar classic. The Vstar is a nice bike but it didnt have the storage or windshield that I needed for my purpose of Riding. I bought a motorcycle to save on gas. I was spending $40.00 a week in gas and with the motorcycle and payment it was about $20.00 a week so it cut my expeses in half, but on cool mornings it was a hassle to store my chaps and leather jacket along with my helmet at work as I had no place at work to store my gear. I went to the dealer about a year ago to look for a windsheild for my vstar and they had just traded for a goldwing so I bought the wing. It wouldve cost much more to put saddlebags and a windshield and other gadgets that I have on my wing, and had I known what I know now, I probably wouldve bought the Goldwing to start with. I beleive in lots of lights on a motorcycle for visibility purposes. I also believe in chaps and other armored gear, I always wear my helmet and wouldn't advise not wearing one until drivers of automobiles get to where they can see and respect motorcycles. read on...

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